Bike Service & Repair
Tune-Up Package Options
Basic Safety Check
Basic Safety Check includes:
Minor Shifting Adjustment
Minor Brake Check
Minor Lubrication
Safety Nut & Bolt Check
Minor Frame Wipe Down
Software Update (if applicable)
Basic Tune
Basic Tune Includes:
Brake Adjustments
Shifter Adjustments
*Basic Wheel Truing
Bearing Adjustments
Necessary Lubrication
Safety Nut & Bolt Check
Software Update (if applicable)
Frame Wipe Down
Overhaul includes:
Brake Adjustments
Shifter Adjustments
*Pro Wheel Tuning
Bearing Adjustments
Necessary Lubrication
Safety Nut & Bolt Check
Software Update (if applicable)
*Detailed Frame & Wheel Wipe Down
*Frame Protectant Application
*Removal & Cleaning of Drivetrain
Your Bike Repair Experts
We are a full-service repair shop. Our experienced technicians have the tools and knowledge to keep your bike in tip-top condition, whether electric or non-electric.
*Regarding electric bike/pedal bike repairs -- we reserve the right to refuse service on any bike that we deem unsafe for operation. We may be able to offer you the service necessary to get your bike in safe working condition. It is very often the case that a 'direct to consumer build-it-yourself' e-bike/pedal bike still needs service done in order for it to be in safe operating condition (i.e - RadPower, Aventon, Super 73).
*Please note: if your e-bike battery has not passed UL certification testing, our staff may ask for you to check in your e-bike without the battery. UL certification is a testing certification done by the manufacturer and cannot be done by the consumer. For example: Bosch batteries all pass UL certification at the factory before they can be sold anywhere in the United States, while companies like RadPower and Super 73 may not offer batteries with UL certification. We strongly recommend bringing your battery key when checking in your e-bike for service.
Please ask our staff how we can make your RadPower e-bike much safer to operate!
Feel free to give our service department a call with any questions - (760) 231-5023
*Parts not included
*Prices subject to change depending on difficulty of work
Contact us to schedule your bike service today.
Home Bike Repair
We recommend having a few products at home to help you keep your bike in excellent working condition between your annual tune-ups. We have an excellent selection of essential tools, lubricants and cleaning products, and quality work stands. Shop online and pickup your items for free on your next shop visit.